Friday, December 05, 2008

Hey, wait a minute!

"Nine Illinois Secretary of State employees face suspension without pay because they looked up President-elect Barack Obama’s street address in state records, officials said Thursday.

“It’s a violation of our policy to be looking up records inappropriately,” said Dave Druker, a spokesman for Secretary of State Jesse White.

Curiosity motivated the employees to look up Obama’s South Side address, Druker said. The Secret Service was involved in the investigation, he said."

Property ownership records are public records. Maybe I can fault the employees for goofing off during work, but there is no such thing as looking up records inappropriately. They're public. Period.


Blogger Blogvine said...

That's a bunch of crap. The bad thing is they could find his house just as easy on Google.

6:10 PM  
Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've met Jesse. He don't put up with any crap.

12:57 PM  

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