Thursday, December 13, 2007

What did you learn in school today?

Fun times at the board meeting last night.

The School Music guy loses his grip. The supe declares that he has been slandered. The tax rate is either going to go down, or up, or stay the same. The minority decides to argue its case in the letters to the editor column.

I don't know all the members of the school board, but I know a few of 'em. The ones I know are not wicked conspirators, or child-haters, or slaves to special interests, or dupes. They are decent people who thought they could do some good, and yeah, there's the ego boost of winning an election in there too.

The rhetoric around this issue has gotten entirely out of hand. People on all sides need to remember that it's possible to disagree respectfully.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor old Gus, what did he freak out about now?

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Said that the actions of the school board and supe and staff in both calling for a referendum to increase the levy rate for the education fund AND continuing to use the tort immunty fund to pay any part of salaries was "unethical, immoral and illegal".

Of course I thought Curtis and Tom L. were a bit over the top too, saying they'd be looking into legal action.

Gus didn't say anything actionable as far as I can see. He just expressed his opinion over the top as it might be.

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The school board members need to take a couple deep breaths and realize that everyone is there because they care about the schools and the community. Why else would an intelligent individual subject themself to the chaos they are going through now. Regarding the charge of "illegal" action the fact is to this poing that the boards action IS in violation of provisions of the Tort Immunity Act. It isn't out of line then to consider that in fact the board's action WAS illegal, whether intended or not. I have a concern whether the Risk Management plan as adopted would stand up to the scrutiny of a time management expert. If someone were to follow the superintendent, principals, etc with a notebook and stop watch would they in fact spend 47% and 30% of their time dealing with risk management issues. This should be a time where our board and administrators are rebuilding credibility with the public. Speaking of risk management and tort immunity, what will happen if Slattery is successful in including all taxpayers in the community in his suit retroactively? That would have the potential of costing the district $14 - $18 mil!!

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm particularly surprised at Curtis' proffered "reason" for withdrawing his resignation.

I like Curtis, but I don't think you add anything positive to the debate when you accuse of other board members of not caring about the education of children.

The simple fact is that there are TWO things at the head of the list of duties for a school board member.

Number one is the education of children, for sure. But close behind is number two, to do so in the most efficient financial manner so as to not destroy the very tax base that supplies the money you need to accomplish number one.

To quote the Fellow whose birthday we will celebrate in a couple of weeks: "This you should do, WITHOUT NEGLECTING THE OTHER."

So Curtis my man, you should absolutely being looking out for the education of our kids--but without forgetting that the well is not bottomless, no matter what you all think of the tort fund.

10:23 AM  

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