Thursday, December 06, 2007

I'm surprised

.....that none of the local bloggers have offered a take on the school district's plan to ask for a tax hike. There's some comment in Quincy Forums, but that's all.

I guess part of the problem is that the story in Saturday's paper was pretty complicated and for once didn't help clarify the issues. It got bogged down in the specifics of the numbers, which require an abacus and a crystal ball to figure out. Not until paragraph 10....after the jump to Page we get to the bottom line: if the measure passes, the overall tax rate would go up by around 10 cents per hundred dollars assessed valuation. Newspapers being objective, the writer could not say what is on everyone's mind: "If by some bizarre act of God the measure passes......"

Also, I suppose everybody has already had their say on the Quincy schools in the various blogs. Kind of like those male elk on Animal Planet....after you've clashed antlers for half a day, you lose your enthusiasm for clashing them any more.

When the alternative plan is to take a "leap of faith," it's hard to know what the School Board can do. Take its lumps and then start laying people off, I guess.


Blogger TOOKIE said...

The origional Tax ref as proposed by Glen and Jeff was a tax relief of a total of $.30 assessed value with the tort ratio going to zero .

The new one still has tort funding , and does a tax ratio bringing our taxes back to the SAME we have been paying.

What it amounts to is the QPS system stole , now wants us to still pay the same amount .

I will vote on the tax like Glen , Jeff, and Bud did a 100% NO !

7:15 AM  
Blogger JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Pay closer attention ATN. THE ORACLE hit on this subject October 30th. "BUD WILL VOTE NO"

Granted, "Bud will vote no" is a pretty safe prediction. But there really isn't anything more to say. It will get voted down like all the other referendums. Jeff and Glen will have to put their money where there mouths are. But if and when they do, the ally they think they have will fulfill the prophecy. Bud will vote no.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bud voting YES is like deer hunting in COOK county.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note that the district is NOT asking for this increase in the rate for the 2007 levy, which was passed last night.

The 2007 levy is actually 15 cents LOWER than the current levy. 3.99 instead of 4.15. But as noted, they've changed the estimated levy passed in November with zero in the tort fund levy and added 2.4 million bucks to that.

The levy rate increase referendum will be for NEXT year's levy, not the 2007 levy.

Which makes one wonder--why the hell are you dropping the lvy 15 cents THIS year of you think you will need 25 cents NEXT year? Why not maintain the current levy level (say that 3 time fast :) and then raise the rate a dime, which wouldn't require a referendum?

I wonder about these guys sometimes...

ps. I see Curtis Lovelace has decided NOT to resign because he got upset by some public comments aimed at Leahy and "some board members" last night not being "interested in the education of kids and the needs of taxpayers". Amusing to see him turn that around to accuse some board members of not being interested in educating the kids.

Curtis, you miss the point--you have to educate the kids WITHOUT emptying the pocketbooks of the people paying the bills. The referendum is going to fail because the taxpayers believe their well is dry and you guys are starting to play games...AGAIN.

9:21 AM  

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