Monday, January 05, 2009

The Prevailing Wage

Congratulations to the Quincy School Board for pursuing answers on the prevailing wage question. It's pretty clear to all that the "prevailing wage" is a fiction designed to keep wages high on public projects. The Illinois Department of Labor's complicity in maintaining this fiction needs to be challenged.

If ever there was a court fight that deserved to be undertaken using taxpayers' money, this is it. It's unfortunate that the school boards' association and the NFIB were too chicken-hearted to put their money where their mouth was and back the school board in challenging the procedure.

The Freedom of Information request should be pursued. And if that request doesn't provide the answers the board needs, then it's time for Adams County to opt out of the Department of Labor's prevailing wage and set its own, as the law allows.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the prevailing wage issue has gotten completely out of hand. There is no reason that a capital project should cost 25% more just because it is being financed with tax money. I am not against workers receiving a fair wage but feel that the wage should be based on productivity and quality of work, not on who is paying for the project.

I would like to see the school board get something done with this issue but we all know our lawmakers wont touch this issue with a ten foot pole because of all the money the unions put in their war chests every election.

6:46 AM  

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