Sunday, January 13, 2008

Those poor kids in Wyaconda

They're not scoring high enough on their standardized tests. Thank goodness the state will send them somewhere else, where they can get more practice on standardized tests. There are a lot of careers and professions that involve sitting around and taking standardized tests all day.

GSQs for Sunday: Ohio house fire, 11.2; Alabama bridge thrower, 5 (I miscalculated it last time); Kentucky hillbilly shooter, 3.6; Pregnant Marine, 0.92.

The photo of the guy on the City/County page makes him look like a sci-fi serial killer.

One of the parts of the redesign that I am really starting to like is the obituaries. I think the new look is a big improvement.

It's nice to see the WGEM Sportscenter's Top Ten list get into the Whig. That has always been my favorite feature on Sportscenter....Tomlinson and Houchins can really get funny. It's not as hilarious in print as when you hear it delivered on the radio, but still, it's a good addition.

So we've stopped "Living" and are now in a "Lifestyle." Hmmmm..........purple "lifestyle" says "Tinky Winky" to me.

That last one was a joke, for all you humorless moralists out there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they will be able to learn the stuff they put on standardized tests, like mathematics.

1:33 PM  

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