Sunday, February 18, 2007

What's missing

My apologies to the Gods of Blog for the hiatus. Fact is, not much has been happening in the local media to comment on...the usual preacher stories, an occasional alarmist tale about how we need more money from the government for highways, barges, etc.

It occurs to me that there's an interesting silence in the news at the moment. Look back a few years and you'll see that the Whig and others were filled with stories of the acrimony and bonehead decisions of the Quincy School Board. There hasn't been a good expose story or ranting letter to the editor about the QSB for a long, long time.

With board elections approaching, I'm sure that will least the ranting letter to the editor part. But it does raise an interesting question. Is it possible that there is a government body and set of officials who are simply going about their job, doing a decent job of taking care of the public's business, and thus not raising a controversy? It's heresy in the Blogiverse to suggest that some local public officials are competent, but the thought does occur.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No they are in Mexico using up the slush fund monies.

3:03 AM  

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