Friday, October 12, 2007

Random Drug Testing II

The last post drew some lively comment, which I certainly appreciate, so I think I should expand my two-sentence remark.

I'll set aside the question of the tests' accuracy and assume that they're perfectly accurate. So should schools conduct them? I don't think so, and here's why.

First, they're testing the wrong people. In the Silurian Era, when I was in high school, everybody knew who the dopers were. And they certainly weren't the kids going out for Quiz Bowl or cheerleading. They were the kids hanging out in the parking lot, snickering at the uncool ones who were staying late for band practice or basketball. Random testing for extracurricular activities is a waste of money. Some might point to Highland's one positive in nine years of testing or Palmyra's zero positives as an indicator that the testing is working. But to me, it's more like the punchline of the old joke about the guy selling elephant repellent: "But there aren't any elephants within a thousand miles of here!" "See how good it's working?!"

Second, it puts school officials in the position of Junior Narcs. There's already enough of an us vs. them mentality in schools between students and staff without adding this to the atmosphere. "Welcome to Our School, You Suspicious Character."

So why are schools so eager to conduct random drug testing? Because it's a comparatively inexpensive way to make the grownups--parents, board members, and school officials--feel good that they are "doing something" about drugs. If you really wanted to tackle drugs in a school, you'd hire some trained people to walk the halls, go through the parking lots, stand outside during games, and most of all just talk to the kids, not in formal anti-drug presentations, but all day every day, looking in their eyes and catching scent of their clothes. But that would cost a lot more than the $2,000 or $3,000 a year it costs to send a few urine samples to a lab. Do we really think Palmyra or Highland are "drug free" because their random samples came back clean?


Blogger TOOKIE said...

I think any form of random drug test is an invasion of personal privacy . I do not smoke weed , I don't snort coke, and I like my teeth and certainly do not USE METH .

But I still disagree with policy's like this .

Yes drugs are illegal ! But We're a bunch of hypocrits if we think random tests on high schoolers is going to SCARE them away from the bong hits & a Pink Floyd CD.

In the work world the biggest way out of Workman's comp is Post accident they get a drug test ......

What happens if the dude smoked a joint 3 weeks before then had an accident at work .........test shows positive for pot .

Workers comp denied !

it is an unjust punishment !

Wow my closet liberal is out again

My pinko commie flag's been waving a lot these days

4:58 AM  
Blogger JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As a guy that is stuck working in some nasty enclosed spaces from time to time, I don't have a problem with the coworker who is responsible for my safe entry and exit into said nasty enclosed space has been drug tested. Randomly or not.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Shaun Carey said...

On most of your points I agree with you. I do think you are sadly mistaken if you think that "Quiz Bowlers" or "Cheerleaders" do not drink or use drugs. What kind of kids do you think get invited to parties, that many times include drinking and drugs? That's right, the "popular" group that includes the athletes and cheerleaders. I am a teacher and know for a fact that this goes on.

12:44 PM  
Blogger TOOKIE said...

So do you think it is THE STATE's RIGHT to test your URINE ?

I myself find that way against the 4th !

Now if your on probation ..yes I can see, then your ass belongs to the state.

I can also see if you sign an employment contract and waive your rights to tests.

But just going to public schools ????

Bitch please that is the Government way out of line !

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How about welfare recipients?

2:14 PM  
Blogger TOOKIE said...

Nope Don't care if they are on welfare !

I am a firm believer that we are allowing the "State" to impose it's will in our private life is just WRONG !

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How about firemen and police?

9:33 AM  
Blogger Allthenewsthatfits said...

Tookie can relax. Caring about our civil liberties doesn't turn you into a sandal-wearing pinko.

Very few people would argue that random drug testing is appropriate for people in positions where lives are at stake, such as air traffic controllers, bus drivers, and yes, police officers & firefighters.

But the post was about high schoolers who want to join clubs, teams, and organizations.

And if we think that random drug testing is the best way to deal with teen drug use, we're being governed by our fears.

BTW, correct me on this, but my understanding is that these tests do not screen for the most widely abused illegal drug that teenagers use--alcohol.

2:11 PM  

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