Thursday, October 18, 2007

The News, Translated for the Hearing Impaired

“In light of us starting with limited services and scrambling to get a full complement of planes so we can have a full schedule ... (the agreement) is not a driving issue” at this time, Howell said.

Translation: Go to hell, Quincyans. Oh, you wanted to connect your St. Louis flight to a flight somewhere else? You are so spoiled.

There will be no construction timetable established until funding is identified, Park District Executive Director Mike Parks said.

Translation: Maybe another elderly sports fan will kick the bucket one of these days.

to be held
on site of

Translation: Don't you wish you lived in an exciting town like Coatsburg?

Despite living in a wide-open area prone to severe weather, Crigler said he and his neighbors didn’t worry about their safety.
“It’s just one of those things you kind of laughed about and then go on,” he said.

Translation: I'm an idiot living in a house trailer. What did you expect?

Curran said the OLC was aided in its financial recovery by several strong months of revenue from the city’s hotel-motel tax, which is used to help operate the center.

Translation: Next time Grandma comes to visit, drive her by the OLC. 'Cause she's footing the bill for that puppy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats funny shit !!!

but true !

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of malcontent makes grandma stay at a hotel?

4:41 AM  
Blogger Allthenewsthatfits said...

The Mad White Guy would.

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt she visits much.

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put the old bag in the smallest room at the nursing home I could get. The I told her she was on a cruise and this is her cabin. To make it real I stuck a picture of the ocean on the wall. Assholes at the nursing home made me come back and get her. They said she was seasick all the time. God rest her soul.

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the translation for the OLC been:

Jansen is gone and people actually have to work now.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let's talk about something that is sure to touch a nerve....QPD witholding information from the public about black on white crime....? Say ain't ain't so Chief Copely!!!!
First incident from the rumor mill happened at a local grocery store, and maybe the news media did nothing because it was a store owned by The Niemann family. White guy gets beat up by two black guys, and is hospitalized for a couple of days. They have surveilance video, but beacuase the cops are so smart they don't need the publics help. And it is a black on white crime so no news coverage. I am sure KHQA and WGEM got at least an incident report? Beacause the police would surely not be holding information that should be released to the publc. Second incident was this past Saturday night when two white guys, apparently related, left a pool hall, in the same area as the last black on white beat down, and got the crapped beat out of them. They were found unconcious in the middle of Washington street, they were taken to the hospital and rumor has it one has died and the other is in critical condition. Why no coverage? Because WGEM or KHQA has no cajones? OR Has the the Chief put the beatdown on press releases because it is racially sensitive? Mr Mayor you need to have a press confrence and explain why this info is not out there. Don't give me the "ongoing investigation" crap. If group of white guys beat up two black guys, the mayor and the chief would be on this like white on rice, or flies on shit. Well anyway something stinks either at QPDHQ or local newsrooms. If the stories are true, where is the outrage from the Quincy Human Rights Commission. Someones human rights were violated but all is silent from do gooder Claire Safford.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police are not releasing any information, though apparently an officer spoke to WGEM, which is reporting what they have.

Of course this raises the question: why do you think you have the right to know "RIGHT NOW!!"?

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be sure to show Grandma the streets, the streetlights, the parks, the city hall, the...

Like all those things, OLC is a public amenity. It's supported by tax dollars--very limited tax dollars too and with no authority to demand more (unlike the Park District, JWCC, the schools, etc. etc.)

Instead of running 'em down so fricking much, how about acknowledging that they're getting their shit together at last.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Allthenewsthatfits said...

Is the convention center a public amenity like the streets and streetlights? I think not.

I'm not taking the complete libertarian/anarchist view that government should be responsible only for life & safety services and let everything else fall to private enterprise, but I do think that "promoting tourism" or "attracting conventions" is certainly one of those gray areas where it's debatable whether government should involve itself.

You hear the "quality of life" argument made for government involvement in this area, and that argument has merit. A good park system is not strictly necessary for the functioning of a city, but the benefit of a good park system is so widespread that few people would argue against having one. A convention center, on the other hand, is farther down that slope. What contributions does it make to the quality of life in Quincy? Does it benefit everyone, or only a few? If it did not exist, would there be a significant impact on our quality of life, or would voluntary organizations and private enterprise pick up those activities that are truly desired by large numbers of Quincyans? These are questions that each of us might answer differently. My answer is....I'm sure the little theatre would still exist, indoor soccer has already found another home, and the home show-camping show-bridal show circuit would have to rent space from some other entity, public or private. The Beaux Arts Ball and Dot Foods Christmas party would be inconvenienced, but I'm sure they could find another home.

6:56 AM  

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