Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Vacation Pile

Just back from vacation, sorting through the enormous pile of Herald-Whigs that the neighbor kid saved for me. Looking though them en masse leads me to observe:

Lots of excellent feature stories. I might just identify feature writing as the Whig's strength.

The Saturday photo feature is a great idea. This first one was a bit hard for me to read, but that could be just because I'm not used to the layout yet. After a few times, it may seem easier to navigate. The Whig's photo staff does excellent work in general.

The Saturday phone-in feature is always fun. I like it better when there's one idiotic phone-in, such as the guy from several months ago who called in asking why the Mexican flag was flying over a public building in Hannibal, when it was actually the Missouri state flag.

One of the cities I visited on vacation also did a real estate transfers column in its local newspaper, but listed the purchase price as well....much more interesting as a result.

Many motels provide you with a "complimentary" (they actually add 75 cents to your bil) copy of USA Today, which is a sad, pitiful thing to try to read. Local newspapers should make deals with local motels to provide copies of their newspapers instead. You get a much better feeling for a locality reading its local newspaper, and the quantity of international and national news in a local paper is sufficient for most people. USA Today is not worth 75 cents, or even 50 for that matter.

The poor local Presbyterians. Their denomination isn't intolerant enough for them. I found it interesting that their elders were only mentioned once, late in the recollection of Presbyterian governance is that the Board of Session (elders) are supposed to run the church. They appear from the story not to be especially important or influential, more just a rubber stamp....or perhaps that's just a reflection of the way the story was structured, not the way the church is actually structured.

Beautiful spread on the kayakers. It's nice to see a real honest-to-goodness photo/story package.

The Whig--and every other medium I read--missed a story when they ignored or downplayed Matt Blunt's flying around the state in Charlie Sharpe's airplane. This is a guy who took the state to court--and from there to the cleaners--a few years ago....and now the governor is accepting his largesse?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Matt Blunt and Charlie Sharpe story would have been a good one. The Whig does not hesitate reporting on Blago doing similar...not that support Blago, I think his flying back and forth from Chicago to Springfield on our tax dollars is a load of crap. But my point is that they will report Democratic governer's failings but not a Republican's seems like a bit one-sided.

8:48 AM  

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