Monday, November 20, 2006


That's all I can say about the past week.....ok. Nothing in the Whig that I really feel like commenting on, for good or for bad. Just a regular week. Post-election letdown perhaps.

Thinking further about the election, I would say that the H-W seems to have a good policy about letters. They are encouraged and printed in large quantities, even the most asinine, up until the period right before the election.....then they're cut off. Makes a lot of sense.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The BGA story

Caught Part 2 of the Better Government Association story on WTAD.....missed Part I. It was a nice job....pointed out some of the flaws in the BGA's method. So now I guess I should go back and retitle the earlier post.....maybe a "Near-Miss" rather than a "Miss."

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Journalists and Elections

Want to know who's a real journalist? Go hang around any newsroom on Election Day. Elections are like crack cocaine to journalists.....they want more, more, more, they can't get enough. And's not as fun in the newsroom as it is in the courthouse or the party watch night events.

I hate to date myself (yeah right, ha ha), but I used to love it when one reporter had to go to the courthouse and stand around as the paper ballots came in from the various precincts. Damn that was fun! The judges would have little unofficial slips of paper with vote counts, and they'd write them up on a movable chalkboard.....or in some counties, they'd use soap or tempera paint on the inside of the office window for the people hanging around outside. Then you'd dash to a pay phone (in the ancient days before cells), drop a dime and call the office, where somebody would do the same thing....write up a new total on a chalkboard or on the office window.

Ahhhhhh......well, enough of Memory Lane. Gotta say, the Whig's after-election issue is always good. Granted, they have lots of time to put it together, but even with that caveat, it's one of those issues that is fun to read closely, line by line, word by word.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

One's a noun, one's an adjective

Democrat. Democratic.

So when the editorial in the Herald-Whig says "Democrat candidate" or "Democrat proposal," etc., etc., it's just being ungrammatical. Doug Wilson does that in his column as well.

Grammatical errors are a blight and a sin.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Public Service

The week-long series on domestic violence was terrific. Well researched, well reported, well focused on local concerns. Good work by the writer to take that much time and effort, and good work by the editors to give her the time and space to do the job. A real public service.