Monday, July 07, 2008

Funny Money

Let's see now......

I loaned Frank $20 a while back and I doubt if he'll ever pay me back. Oh boy, that's $20 I have created in "community benefits"!

Seriously, I'm glad that Blessing Hospital is "not required by any regulatory agency" to come up with its "community benefits" numbers.....because those numbers are strictly PR. Since when is a bad debt a community benefit? And I have a sneaking suspicion that the unreimbursed difference on Medicaid and Medicare patients is made up in part by us full-paying slobs whose bills are padded mercilessly to help make up that difference.

The hospital's 2005 IRS Form 990, submitted in 2006, showed it making almost $202 million in total revenue and having $188 million in total expenses, thus adding almost $14 million to its asset base that year. (I don't have ready access to the 2006 form, and am not sure whether the 2007 form has been filed yet.) But $14 mil. in what would be called "profits" if Blessing wasn't a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity isn't bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting articles like this. It is a shame to see not-for-profit hospitals behaving like for-profit companies. They should take at least 3/4 of those profits and put it back in the community.

Just buying up slums for more doctors offices doesn't count.

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about using the money to systematically buy up and tear down the poor and minority neighborhood to create a big grassy buffer between themselves and the poor folks?

10:52 AM  
Blogger Allthenewsthatfits said...

Let me just add that I have never gotten anything but excellent care from Blessing. My only objection is to its PR silliness.

11:12 AM  
Blogger JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Blessing Hospital is a shining example.

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are hellbent on destroying the black part of town and white folks don't care at all.

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never let the lack of facts or understanding on your part prevent you from hanging your stupidity out there for all to read.

Blessing Hospital is not for profit. Blessing Physician Services is a for profit corporation and is operated as such. BPS is therefore the entity that is erradicating the slums as you say.

That was a very racist comment to make regarding 'tearing down the black part of town'. You are suggesting blacks can only live in a certain part of town and we know that is a misstatement of fact.

With respect to the adjoining property owners and those who live in the adjoining propeties, I would believe they are happy to see the area improved. I would also believe they are happy to see habbitat homes appear on lots formerly containing blighted structures.

Black men have a much higher incidence of prostate cancer than white men. Guess which hospital provides FREE prostate screens with FREE PSA testing eaqch fall?

Next time you blog, drop the stupid stuff and ease in a fact. If you don't know the facts, just continue to be a reader, not a contributor.

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>That was a very racist comment to
>make regarding 'tearing down the
>black part of town'.

There's not a damn thing racist about that comment. It is a statement of fact in at least two ways: one, most black people in Quincy DO live in the northwest corner of town. Wish it wasn't so, but there it is. Two, the housing being torn down was for the most part lived in by black people. Fact, not racism. If pointing out facts is now to be called racism, this country is doomed to end up worse than Communist Russia ever was.

In any event, the original poster's statement makes no racial comment at all--YOU chose to make it a racial statement.

>You are suggesting blacks can
>only live in a certain part of
>town and we know that is a
>misstatement of fact.

The poster suggested nothing of the sort. YOU chose to put that spin on it. Then you resorted to ad hominem by implying that the original poster was a liar.

Of course not all black people live in the northwest corner of the city. But the majority of them do--perhaps because of a sense of community there that us whiteys won't let them feel anyplace else.

Racism is an issue in Quincy. But don't muddy the waters and mess up the efforts to address the issue by claiming racism where none was intended and the words of one poster didn't include any in the first place.

Or is it now racist to point to someone walking down the street and say "That person is black" when they are visibly so?

Woe for our country if that kind of PC insanity takes over.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eventually the hospital will be large enough that if anyone gets shot, they can just talk down the hall to get treatment. I predict in 20 years Blessing will be able to handle the whole circle of life when they buy Hansen-Spear and build an underground tunnel from the morgue to the parlor.
Going the other direction, St. Mary's and Blessing will be connected.

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:25 - take a look at the last paragraph. It was written to speak to idiots. Thank you for accepting on the part of all idiots. I stand by my statement and suggest you change your handle as you clearly don't comprehend the written word.

Bye Bye.

8:16 PM  

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