Sorry for the pause between posts.....darn work gets in the way at the most inconvenient times!
Monday's top headline: A study conducted by a Baptist university finds that 89.2 percent of Americans believe in a "higher power." Third paragraph: "These figures . . . cast U.S. religious faith in a much different position of strength than similar studies in recent years." A Harris poll in December of last year returned 82 percent, so no big difference there. Besides which, since when did religious belief become a question of "majority rules" anyway? Basically, the story is just another chance to evangelize.
And in case you didn't get enough of a dose of religious promotion on Page One, you can go to Page One of the City/County section for what looks like about 60 column inches of it....two photos and a story. Or Page One of Tuesday's City/County, where we learn that another preacher went on vacation. Oh golly gee.