Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Politicians say the darndest things!

Especially when the news media don't call them on it. Andrea Zinga stopped by the fire station (if I were a firefighter, I would resent the nation's politicians showing up at fire stations all over the U.S. on 9/11, then never appearing again) to tell us, quote, "she has been astonished to hear several politicians talk about withdrawing from the fight with Al-Qaeda..."

Yeah, I hear that a lot these days. Why, just yesterday, I, maybe it was..........

Come to think of it, I have never heard anyone--politician or not--suggest such a thing. And neither has Andrea Zinga. It's the journalist's job to say, "Ms. Zinga, please name a politician you heard talking about withdrawing from the fight with Al-Qaeda, and when you heard this remark." Otherwise inanities flourish.

"Zinga said that many people want to coddle the enemy." Name one, please. And to top herself, she tossed out an offhanded remark about how she thought that profiling isn't such a bad thing.......guaranteed to win her votes with the black citizens of Quincy, who get stopped for traffic and arrested at a much higher rate than whites. Once again, however, the story merely reports the remark and doesn't press her for explanation. She repeated the comment later in the day at the Springfield fire house, touching off criticism that got her into the St. Louis Post-Dispatch the following morning......but not in the Herald-Whig the following afternoon!

If the news media don't hold these candidates accountable, this campaign is going to be depressingly predictable. Phil Hare will make a public hanging of oil company executives his major campaign platform, and Andrea Zinga will campaign on a pledge to personally waterboard Islamic fascists.

Updated score: Zinga 37 inches, two photos; Hare 16 inches, one photo.


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